
Giving – It Does A Brand Good

Giving Back 101

We’ve all heard the old adage “It’s better to give than to receive,” and it’s true. Meaningful giving warms our hearts as we strive to do our part to help others. But did you know that when it comes to brand loyalty, respect from customers, and even your bottom line, giving and receiving go hand in hand? Here’s what we mean.

When giving is part of your corporate structure, here’s how you’ll benefit:

• Your brand image gets a boost in the eyes of your clients, vendors and employees

• People want to support companies who give back, because they too want to make a difference

• Employee morale is strengthened; employees have greater job satisfaction, leading to higher retention, productivity and overall job satisfaction

• Positive publicity in the community creates goodwill and shines a positive light on your brand

• Your network expands when you establish relationships with prominent community members

Here are some examples of some of the most respected brands in America giving back as a way to support their employees and communities. It’s no surprise that philanthropy is a common theme among these successful companies.

Companies Doing It Well

Apple has raised nearly $725 million for 39,000 organizations worldwide through their Employee Giving Program.

Google has provided more than $2 billion in cash grants and employee contributions to non-profits since 2017.

Starbucks has given grants to more than 2,500 non-profit organizations through The Starbucks Foundation, amounting to more than $5 million.

Warby Parker’s Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program has distributed over 10 million pairs of glasses to those in need. 

Fostering Philanthropy

There are many ways you can build a culture of giving within your workplace. Just find what works best for your brand and put something into action. Here are a few ideas to get you going — and if you need more, MasonBaronet is just a few clicks (or a phone call) away.

• Percentage of profits donated to non-profits

• Days off to volunteer (supports employees’ individual charitable interests)

• Company-sponsored volunteering

• Matching gift programs

• Volunteer grant programs (businesses donate money to nonprofits in exchange for employee volunteering with the nonprofit)
