
Is your brand Pinterest-ing?

Consumer-facing businesses have created huge communities and followings using Pinterest. In fact, studies have shown that Pinterest drives almost twice as many purchases per user as Facebook. So how can B2B marketers join the pinning party — and enjoy the perks? 

Pinterest is a social network that showcases visual content like photos, illustrations, infographics and videos. Users “pin” things they like to a series of virtual PinBoards, and then share them with other subscribers to the community. “Pinners” can also create, collect and repost content on existing PinBoards or start their own. 

The opportunities go far beyond posting product pics. Smart brands are using Pinterest as dynamic billboards for their culture — and as interactive platforms for thought leadership. Here are some ways to make Pinterest a powerful part of your social media mix: 

Get the (big) picture:

Perhaps more than other social media, Pinterest is all about imagery. Visuals are known to improve engagement, and nothing gets people pinning like informative graphics or eye-popping photos. And did you know that larger images get pinned more often — since they command more attention and show up better on newsfeeds? On Pinterest, pictures are worth thousands of words (and followers). 

Don’t get judged by your e-book’s cover:

Make your thought leadership and articles more enticing by adding a compelling cover image on Pinterest. Followers will pin a cool cover design and share it with their followers. Then, you can request contact information from readers who want access to exclusive content. 

Serve, don’t sell:

Social media is about relationships. Make your fans feel special and encourage them to share, like and comment on your pins. Create a board for client testimonials, where customers can show their appreciation and promote your business. And be sure to follow boards and brands that your community will find useful, helpful or just plain fun. If you’re keeping members engaged, the selling will take care of itself. 

Raise the bar:

Don’t be afraid to pin products and services from other businesses that exemplify the best of your industry. By aligning yourself with good ideas, you earn respect from your followers — who start to see you as an authority. Sometimes you can even show off your own products or services as case studies. Give just enough to make followers curious — and then invite them to your website to see a product demo. 

Show off your culture:

Humanize your brand by giving fans and followers a peek behind the curtain. That includes letting them see your community involvement and other “after hours” pursuits. 

Be the go-to board:

Establish your Pinterest account as the one to follow, pin and share. Be generous with tutorials, tips, information, training, ideas and anything else that demonstrates your knowledge and expertise. 

Pin them down:

You’ll see an 80% increase in engagement when you add a clear, simple call to action to your social interactions. Add a “Pin It” button to each blog post or product page. Add “Follow Me” buttons to your home page, email signatures and newsletters. You can even link Pinterest posts to Facebook and Twitter to let your fans know when there’s something new to see 

Tips for beginning Pinners:

The key to winning on Pinterest is making sure your content stays connected to you and your brand. The more often something gets reposted, the farther away it can travel from the source. So consider adding watermarks (especially to original images), try editing pins to include correct permalinks to blog posts, and remember to add links to your website in descriptions.  

We like a balanced approach to Pinterest — one that advances the business of branding, lets our work do the talking, and gives our people a place to shine. If you like what you see, then let’s talk. With a little good thinking, your business can get Pinterest-ing, too.
